An amazing blend of heather silver linden marigold & mallow blossoms
Pink, yellow, purple, orange, red: you’ll find them all in this wildly colourful, rainbow-tasctic, blend. Enjoy the smoothness of raspberries, cherries, and rhubarb, perfectly balanced alongside the sweet, honey-like taste of linden blossoms. It’s a tea to relish. Suitable for those who enjoy indulging, luxuriating, delighting, savouring, revelling, and basking in glory.
Please note this tea comes in a pouch.
- Apple pieces
- heather blossoms
- silver linden blossoms
- flavouring
- marigold blossoms
- mallow blossoms
- safflower
- rose petals
Linden leaf can aid colds, stuffy nose, sore throat, breathing problems (bronchitis), headaches, and fever. It helps as an expectorant- 8-10 minutes brewing time100° C water temperature1 tsp per person